Please Vote NO on H.R. 764

103 groups signed this letter urging representatives to vote NO on H.R. 764, the Trust the Science Act, which is expected to be considered on

Wolves and Livestock

How wolves and livestock can share Colorado's landscape, based on lessons learned from the Northern Rockies.

Restoring Wolves to Colorado - Getting Here

Why reintroduction was the best way to reestablish a self-sustaining wolf population.

Getting to 30x30: Guidelines for Decision-makers

Conservation strategies for protecting 30% of our terrestrial and marine systems by 2030

Factsheet: Hunting and Mexican Gray Wolf Recovery

The Mexican gray wolf has rebounded from near extinction in the 1970s to an estimated 131 in the wild at the end of 2018. Considerable effort is still needed to ensure a self-sustaining population, and the hunting community can play a valuable role.
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